Sales Traits Series – Sensitivity To Others

Today we wrap up our year-long Sales Traits Series with the final installment. This week’s trait is one that provides us insight into a candidate’s soft skills when relating to a prospect or customer. Sensitivity To Others The ability to be sensitive and aware of the feelings of others, but not to allow this awareness to interfere with objective decision making. A salesperson with strength in this trait will respond to the concerns of others even if they do not relate to the situation at hand. A weakness in this area is indicative of an inability to identify and relate with others on a personal level. Such a person has… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Role Confidence

This week we look at a trait that ebbs and flows with salespeople. Typically, candidates have a lower level of role confidence (a driver in their reasoning for finding a new job). Established salespeople who are having success tend to have higher role confidence. The lack of this trait usually reveals an indecisive, uncertain salesperson. This weakness unfortunately is most often revealed in front of a prospect. Role Confidence The ability to develop and maintain an inner strength based on the belief that one will succeed. Role Confidence is a combination of a salesperson’s ability to see their role clearly, positively, practically and functionally. They see themselves as valuable in… Read More

Sales Traits Series-Monitoring Others

This week’s sales management trait sports a word that I don’t particularly enjoy – “monitoring.” That isn’t a great description of this trait since it is far broader than that term. Nonetheless, in today’s world of remote salespeople, this trait will be in even greater demand in the near future. Monitoring Others This ability focuses on the actions and decisions of others in a practical, pragmatic way to identify both successes and mistakes. It is the ability to identify the causes of success and failure and to do so in an objective, accurate manner while not allowing personal feelings or biases to influence such decisions. A sales manager with strength… Read More

Sales Traits Series-Understanding Motivational Needs

Another sales management trait this week.  Have you ever worked for a tyrant?  Someone who had to have it his or her way only?  Did you have to adjust completely to them? Understanding Motivational NeedsThe ability to understand the needs and desires of employees enough that this knowledge may be used to motivate them to succeed. The ability to encourage a self-starting, active pursuit of goals and objectives. A strength in this area is indicative of a manager who understands that everyone is unique and motivated by different things. They value individual desires and take the time to get to know an individual’s specific motivators. A manager with a weakness in this trait will tend… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Role Awareness

This week we focus on a unique trait in that it is usually low amongst jobseekers.  They are confused or unclear about their current role and looking to find clarity in their next role.  This fact is the reason why we stress a strong onramping program for all new sales hires.  A clear program immediately sets the parameters of their new role – something that was most likely missing from their previous position. Role AwarenessThe ability of a salesperson to be aware of their role in the world or within a given environment.  This is the ability to understand the expectations placed on a position and to clearly see how those expectations… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Gaining Commitment

Sales managers need to focus their team on specific objectives.  This requires the manager to gain commitment from each salesperson…on a regular basis.  It is an important aspect of successful coaching and empowering the employee. Gaining CommitmentThis ability develops and invokes a self-starting attitude in employees in their pursuit of goals. It is the capacity to motivate employees to do their best and to provide them with concrete, practical ideas and methods by which they can achieve their goals. A sales manager with a strength in this trait will be able to effectively use empathetic ability, communication skills and leadership ability to create a sense of personal motivation to be successful… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Correcting Others

Another managerial trait this week that we measure when assessing sales manager candidates.  A critical aspect of successful sales management is the manager’s ability to hold salespeople accountable.  At times that can be like herding cats, but it is still mission critical to developing a top-notch sales team. Correcting OthersThis ability confronts controversial or difficult issues in an objective manner while having non-emotional discussions about disciplinary matters. This trait is directly related to the manager’s balance in their ability to evaluate others and be empathetic. A manager with strength in this trait can usually provide constructive criticism to another in a way that it is not received as insulting or degrading. The… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Conveying Role Value

This week we focus on another important sales leadership trait.  We’ve seen this trait firsthand have the effect of holding a sales team together during turbulent times. Conveying Role ValueThis ability draws upon a variety of traits (empathetic, interpersonal and leadership) to instill in an employee a sense of value for the task at hand. It is the ability to convey to another the value and importance that a given role carries with it. This is not a measurement of a person€™s ability to understand a role€™s value, but to communicate that value to another or group of others. A sales manager with strength in this capacity will be able to effectively… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Realistic Goal Setting For Others

As the unfortunate recipient of some heinously impossible sales quotas in my day, I am most intrigued by this week’s trait as it pertains to Sales Managers (and a few from my past that I would enjoy assessing on this topic). Realistic Goal Setting For OthersThe ability to set goals for others that can be achieved using available resources and operating within a projected timeframe. This trait includes the ability to utilize previous measurable performance in the establishing of goals and/or quotas. A sales manager with strength in this capacity is adept at understanding the potential of another individual, weighting the requirements of a job against their abilities and setting realistic/attainable goals for… Read More

Sales Traits Series – Internal Self Control

This week’s trait is one that measures a salesperson’s ability to remain detached from an emotionally-charged situation.  Sales requires a cool, level-headed approach even in instances where emotions are high.  We highly value salespeople who can keep their personal self detached from their work self. Internal Self ControlThis is the ability to maintain a steady and controlled level of internal emotion in a stressful or emotionally charged situation. Although it directly affects self-composure in a difficult situation, this capacity is more an examination of a person€™s tendency to allow the external environment€™s level of stress to affect their internal levels. If Internal Self Control deals with an ability to keep… Read More