The Hire Sense » 2009 » October

Archive for October, 2009

The Employment Rate

I was having an economic discussion with my father this past weekend and we got on to the topic of the unemployment rate.  I remember hearing John Sumser in talk last year state that having a national unemployment number is pointless.  Unemployment is local – it depends upon the region and, even more, the city in which you are employed.  I agree completely with that premise.

The current national unemployment number is listed at 9.8%, but there is much discussion about what the real number is.  I have heard that it is closer to 16% if you factor in the people who have stopped looking and/or had their unemployment benefits expire.  Of course, the unemployment rate varies greatly from Detroit to Fargo.  Hence, the national number isn’t necessarily representative of what is happening in your city.

My father was recalling a persuasive argument he heard from a professor in graduate school.  This prof argued that the better statistic would be an employment number.  What percentage of people are employed?  I know it may sound like splitting hairs, but I like the premise.  How many people are presently employed?  I think that number would be more illustrative, on a national level, than our current, questionable unemployment rate.

Humble Ad Writing

Honestly, I came across this title to a sales ad:

I make more money in a month than you make all year

Fantastic!  That is one humble title.  As you can imagine, the ad is written in a casual, confrontational style to challenge the most aggressive sales candidates.

I wouldn’t write an ad this way, but true confession – I got a kick out of it.

Who’s Your Friend?

I’m sure you have encountered those people who you wonder if they have any social skills whatsoever.  I used to work with a guy who would walk in to any conversation between people and just start talking about his topic.  No waiting, no gentle interruption – he just walked in and started firing away.  Totally annoying.

In that light comes this article from  The pull quote from the Q & A article:

For one, my old boss, who laid me off from my last job with no warning (and no severance pay), has sent me a friend request.

That is some hubris on the boss’ part.  However, I have to agree with the suggestion made by the author:

Indeed, even if your old boss did you wrong, he was just doing the company’s dirty work, and now apparently wants to keep in touch. Why not take him up on it? The same goes for your other professional acquaintances. You never know who might be in a position to help your career a year, or five years, from now.

The times they are a changin’, aren’t they?  Who would of thought of such complicated work questions just 10 years ago?

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