Resumes have been a popular topic for us this week. Now I just caught up to this post from Anthony Meaney over at from last week:

Eighty-four percent of executives polled said it takes just one or two typographical errors in a resume to remove a candidate from consideration for a job opening; 47 percent said a single typo could be the deciding factor.

First off, “typo” is a bit nondescript so I would argue some typos are worse offenses than others (“alot” instead of the proper “a lot” is forgivable in my opinion). However, one axiom we live by is that the interview process is the best the candidate will be.

A resume is a formal portfolio of their work. If the candidate cannot take the time and effort to make sure their resume is perfect during an active job search, when will they? If they are in sales, will they present a proposal to a prospect with errors? These are items we consider when sourcing.

(and now I am praying that my spellchecker caught all of my errors in this post)

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