Seriously, this is a thing – startup casual which is replacing business casual as the trendy office attire.  Here it is from Entrepreneur:

The whole trend has become so popular, among founders as well as employees, that it has a name: startup casual.

All of you who are  slave to fashion are probably wondering what is the proper attire to achieve startup casual.  I suppose if you have to ask….  I did find myself aligning with this tidbit from the article:

Mark Zuckerberg claims that he wears the same jeans and gray T-shirt every day so he doesn’t expend any unnecessary mental energy on a decision that doesn’t matter.

That quote continues on to discuss decision-fatigue which I will studiously avoid as it sounds ridiculous even to a psychology major such as myself.  Zuckerberg still makes a valid point in that he doesn’t waste mental energy on trivial topics.  This approach is inline with Albert Einstein who apparently did not know his own phone number.  His point was to not waste mental resources on something that could easily be looked up in a phone book.

Brilliant, and I couldn’t agree more.  I am convinced that certain leadership styles get bogged down by the tactical side of leadership – time-sucking logistics, details bordering on minutiae and creativity-stifling routines.

Productivity is the new peak measurement for employees. This approach has always been the truest measure for successful selling.  It seems it is spreading throughout organizations today.

“Life is less formal; the concept of ‘going to the office’ has fundamentally changed; American companies are now more results-oriented than process-oriented.”

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