From Tough Talks on

Generally, we recognize that open, constructive communication is crucial to business success. But many dodge these chats at all costs. Others charge right in loaded and ready. Others try to dance around the topic and not hurt feelings. None of these strategies is likely to accomplish your goal, so you end up where you started.

Let’s parse this paragraph out and look at the Selling Style for each line:
But many dodge these chats at all costs. (High S)
Others charge right in loaded and ready. (High D)
Others try to dance around the topic and not hurt feelings. (High I)

The only thing they are missing is a High C who would probably just read the data straight to the person without much emotion. Approaching each team member in their style allows the manager to cover difficult topics in the most effective manner. If you haven’t assessed your existing team yet, what are you waiting for?

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